Sponsored Conferences


CMOS as a national body is occasionally requested to offer sponsorship to a conference or workshop. Sponsorship of such events may enhance the visibility of the Society and contribute to its goals. Traditionally, CMOS has willingly sponsored or co-sponsored many events by allowing the organization to use the CMOS logo, without any financial contribution. In return, CMOS has requested a copy of the proceedings. Recently, however, financial support has been requested.

This document provides guidance as to the extent and nature of sponsorship that CMOS can offer. This is the national policy and local centres are invited to abide by its spirit.

Purpose of sponsorship

  1. to enhance the goals of CMOS, i. e. the promotion of meteorology and oceanography in Canada
  2. to publicize the existence and activities of CMOS so as to attract new memberships.


  1. Normally, the sponsorship will assist initiatives taken by members of the Society. A non-Canadian initiative may be supported, if it involves several Canadian members, and will also enhance meteorology and/or oceanography in Canada, e. g. an AMS conference in Canada. Events held outside Canada may also be sponsored, provided CMOS members are involved
  2. The activity must be open to members of CMOS.
  3. In all cases, a report suitable for publication in CMOS Bulletin SCMO must be submitted within two months of the end of the activity.

Nature of support

Both cash and in-kind support are possible.


CMOS logo: the organization is allowed to display the Society's logo in its publicity

Homepage: The Homepage Editor regularly post a list conferences of interest for meteorology or oceanography as a free service to members and the public. This is not considered to be a sponsorship. CMOS sponsorship will consist in establishing a link to the conference web site, as a minimum, up to more evident promotion as is done for CMOS congresses.

CMOS Bulletin: As for the Homepage, it is the practice of the Bulletin Editor to publish a list of relevant meteorological and oceanographic conferences, both CMOS sponsored and non-sponsored, as a free service to members; this is not considered as sponsoring. Basic CMOS sponsoring of a conference in the Bulletin will consist of about a one-quarter-page write-up, published once or twice. The value of this sponsorship may be assessed by considering the established prices for advertising. At 1999 rates, the above basic support is valued at $100 (per issue).

Special mailing to all or part of membership list. There is an established price for this. At 1999 rates, this support amounts to $300, plus postage and handling (which can vary).


Financial support can range from a nominal amount ($100), up to more substantial amounts ($500 or more). Such support may be for a contribution to organisation costs, or directed to special purposes, such as travel by students, special guests (possibly non-Canadian), participants from developing countries, publicity, publication of proceedings or conference reports, etc. In all cases, the degree to which the financial support will enhance the Society goals should be considered. Cash support for an individual event should not exceed half the annual sponsorship budget.

Booth or display space rental at the conference, which includes the rental fee, the supply and shipping of material, and possibly other expenses for a person to staff the booth.

Annual budget

The cash cost of conference sponsoring will be charged to the Uri Schwarz Development Fund, but not the value in the in-kind support. Initially, the allotment will be established at $2000 per year, and not more than 5 cash sponsorships will be granted each year.

Procedure for application

  1. The applicant must be a member in good standing of the Society.
  2. The applicant will complete an application letter, spelling out the specifics of the conference/workshop, the expected attendance and its composition, the nature and purpose of the requested support, the role of the applicant with respect to the conference/workshop, the date by which financial support (if any) is required, and the manner in which such support will be recognised/publicised.
  3. Applications will be directed to the President of the Society, for approval of the Executive, at any time of the year, preferably six month in advance of the event. Requests for events in future fiscal years are acceptable.


The availability of conference sponsoring funds will be published yearly in the CMOS Bulletin SCMO, together with an invitation to apply.

Approved by Council, 16 Sept. 1999
Modified, for Executive decision, Jan 2004
Approved by Council, 11 Mar 2004