

Check out the 58th CMOS Congress webpage. The event will be virtual from June 3 to 6, 2024.

Check out the 57th CMOS Congress webpage. The event was held in St. John's, NL from May 28 to June 1 2023, with virtual and in-person options for participation.

Halifax Centre Executive
  • Chair – Shannon Nudds ( Shannon.nudds@dfo-mpo.gc.ca)
  • Past Chair – Jim Abraham
  • Treasurer – Zeliang Wang
  • Recording Secretary –
  • Membership – Blair Greenan
  • Website – Simon Higginson
  • Communication – Janet Stalker
  • Student Rep – Chris Gordon
  • Social Media -
  • Education/Outreach – Diana Cardoso
  • Social – Claire McIntyre

CMOS Maritime Climate Summaries & News 

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